So what purpose does the LRA serve? Kony started the group in 1986, but the group was formerly called the Holy Spirit Movement under the control of Kony's cousin, Alice Lakwena. Lakwena claims to be ordered by the Holy Spirit to overthrow the Ugandan government which was accused of treating the Acholi people ( the people of Kony and Lakwena) unfairly. Resentment against the Ugandan government thickened, and supporters flocked to Lakwena allowing the Holy Spirit Movement to gain momentum. However, a battle won by the government led to Lakwena's exile.
As the Holy Spirit Movement lost a leader and direction, Kony took over as leader and rebranded the movement in 1986, calling it the Lord's Resistance Army. Kony initially stated that the mission of the LRA was to overthrow the government and rule Uganda based on the Ten Commandments. However, he rapidly lost support. Therefore, out of frustration he began to abduct thousands of children to increase its ranks, turning the children into killers and unleashing them on villages. Kony's main mission now is to retain power.
As thousands continue to suffer in Uganda and surrounding African countries, people opposed to such genocide have begin to stand up in the name of justice. Watch the video below for more information on the movement against Kony called Kony 2012. I am a supporter of Kony 2012 because I am a supporter of justice. So you might ask, what does this have to do with soul searching, spirituality, and/or religion... the answer is in the video... Enjoy.
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